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Welcome to Monterrey

Discover a New World

Live in Santa Catarina

Discover a New World

Everything you need to know for your stay in Monterrey

We want the experience of studying with us to be complete. That’s why we want to share with you all the necessary information about the lifestyle in Nuevo León and the surrounding areas, the transport facilities, the places to stay, and the recreational activities that make this city a cultural and social center in Mexico.


Monthly Budget


Mexican Pesos

Income Value

La Fama en Santa Catarina

$5,000 a $7,250 pesos.-

2 Recámaras – 1 Baño – Cocina Integral Nueva – Climas Frío/Calor – Estufa – Boiler Lavandería – Abanicos de techo


 2″ minutos de Morones Prieto y HEB
+ 52 (81) 2516 8996

Disaggregated Costs

Rent (House or Shared Apartment. Compartido):

$5,000 pesos.-


$500.- / $800.-


$1,500.- / $2,000.-


$300.- / $500.-

Personal expenses

$500.- / $1,000.-


Monthly Budget


Mexican Pesos

Income Value

Pedregal de la Huasteca in Santa Catarina

$13,000 (depto 2 habitaciones.-

2 Recámaras – 1 Baño – Cocina Integral Nueva – Climas Frío/Calor – Estufa – Boiler Lavandería – Abanicos de techo


 2″ minutos de Morones Prieto y HEB
+ 52 (81) 2516 8996

Disaggregated Costs

Renta (Casa o Dpto. Compartido):

$6,500 pesos.-


$500.- / $800.-


$1,500.- / $2,000.-


$300.- / $500.-

Gastos Personales

$500.- / $1,000.-


Monthly Budget


Mexican Pesos

Income Value

Valle Poniente in San Pedro

$21,000 (depto 2 habitaciones.-

2 Recámaras – 1 Baño – Cocina Integral Nueva – Climas Frío/Calor – Estufa – Boiler Lavandería – Abanicos de techo (más amenidades).


 2″ minutos de Morones Prieto y HEB
+ 52 (81) 2516 8996

Disaggregated Costs

Renta (Casa o Dpto. Compartido):

$10,500 pesos (depto 2 habitaciones).-


$500.- / $800.-


$1,500.- / $2,000.-


$300.- / $500.-

Gastos Personales

$500.- / $1,000.-

Copyright 2025 CEDIM

Center of Higher Studies of Design of Monterrey S.C.

Recognition of official validity of studies granted by the
Government of the state of Nuevo León, 14-1-85, official newspaper 6-III-85; CDL-VI 005/2008 --

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