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Roadmap Access

We are looking for the
change leaders of the future

Are you one of them?


Una experiencia de aprendizaje inmersivo donde los participantes aprenderán a identificar, generar e implementar soluciones innovadoras. El Programa en Innovación y Design Thinking es un programa de cuatro meses centrado en el diseño e implementación de soluciones innovadoras que satisfacen las necesidades emergentes de los usuarios del mundo real. Los expertos internaciones asesoran a los estudiantes a medida que aprenden sobre el pensamiento de diseño y los tres pilares de la innovación: viabilidad (negocio), factibilidad (capacidad) y deseabilidad (personas).​​​

The callenge

You have just been hired as Team Manager Innovation of a traditional departmental store. The final interview was with the CEO, who emphasized that your new role is a number one priority for the company. Your main challenge will be to digitize the business, since the main competitors are widely developed in electronic commerce.

The Objective

Your goal is not only to achieve them, but also to transform the store into the most innovative in Mexico. After a couple of weeks in office, your Director brings you not very encouraging news. The CEO approved only half of the budget you submitted for the project, and you will not have the resources to expand the team. There you are, an intern, and a junior assistant. He also explains that the CEO is not going to allocate more budget until he sees results.

The Solution

Answer: • What is your initial reaction? • What would you do? What is possible to achieve? • How would you build an innovation team without a budget? • What would you do to get more budget, knowing that the CEO is intransigent? • What would be your priorities? • How would you get results to get more resources?

(Español) ¡Estamos buscándo a los nuevos lideres!

(Español) Aplica ya

(Español) Programa de Liderazgo de Cambio

Copyright 2025 CEDIM

Center of Higher Studies of Design of Monterrey S.C.

Recognition of official validity of studies granted by the
Government of the state of Nuevo León, 14-1-85, official newspaper 6-III-85; CDL-VI 005/2008 --

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