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Acceso Roadmap

Consumer & Retail Innovation.

A look at brick and mortar retail, past, present and future.

Turbulent is one way to describe the current retail environment. Key to understanding what has occurred and what’s happening is to understand the relationship that exists between the human dimensions of the User, Consumer and the Shopper.
Changes in consumer behavior, technology and lifestyles are some of the forces shaping the way we relate, shop and use products and services. The class will primarily focus on brick and mortar retail, what happened, what’s happening and where it might be going. Master Class looks at the forces that are shaping tomorrow’s consumers and the way we shop.
The class will explore the trends that are influencing consumer motivations, their preferences and their perceptions of products. We will look at the evolution of what we call the “store” as a backdrop for understanding the companies, technologies and types of disruptions that are taking place in the industry.
The class will take a particular look at the relationship between physical space and shopping behavior and how this relationship influences the shopper’s connection to and decisions about products and brands.
The class will be taught from a human-centered design perspective that uses design thinking as the foundation for solving consumer and shopper challenges.
Through this lens, we will explore how consumer lifestyle changes give way to new definitions of value and how this shapes the meaning of products and services in the way we live, work and play.
Students will get experience using human-centered design frameworks and tools that can be immediately put to use in shaping product, brand shopper and retail strategy.

Meet the Speaker

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Campo requerido

Copyright 2025 CEDIM

Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey S.C.

Reconocimiento de validez oficial de estudios otorgado por el
Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León, 14-1-85, Periódico Oficial 6-III-85; CDL-VI 005/2008 --

Campo requerido

Campo requerido

Campo requerido

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